Ulasan ringan seputar kota Medan


Created. Sat, 20 Aug 2016 13:47:30
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MOMBEE (Mother-Baby Expo) is the first biggest mother & baby expo in Medan, North Sumatra. MOMBEE will feature DR. Dr. Binarwan Halim, MKed (OG). Sp.OG.K,FICS & Dr. Johannus S. Wibisono, SpA as the main speaker to share about the tips and walfare of babies for parents in Medan

MOMBEE-EXPO 2016 will be held for 1 week (26th Sept - 2nd Oct 2016) Full of Fun Activities (Fashion Show, Photo Competition) & Education Talk Show with exciting prizes at Atrium Mall Centre Point Medan

Do not miss the rare opportunity to learn and grow with MOMBEE EXPO 2016. Stay tune with us for more exciting news and updates @mombeeEXPO

An event by @baby_milano @mallcentrepoint

Mall Centre Point Medan ( 3.59157064448 , 98.6808596449 )
Mall Centre Point Medan ( 3.59157064448 , 98.6808596449 )

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