Ulasan ringan seputar kota Medan

Tanpa Batas 2 Declaration Day: #SharingSession: Inovasi Sosial

Created. Wed, 26 Jul 2017 14:24:54
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Tanpa Batas 2 Declaration Day: #SharingSession: Inovasi SosialTanpa Batas 2 Declaration Day: #SharingSession: Inovasi Sosial

4 group project
2 awesome speaker
50+ people, who are ready to make impact and collaborate, including you!

Saturday, 29 July 2017
13.00 - 17.00 WIB
Clapham Collective, Jalan Timor Blok G No. III/IV 2nd Floor (Komplek Ruka Medan Centre Point)

Limited tickets available via http://bit.ly/inovasi-sosial-dd (link on bio).
Yuni 082276480187

Save the date and join us. Feel the excitement, and be encouraged, together

Masih ada informasi event menarik lainnya di sini, yuk di check...

Clapham Collective ( 3.59246908099 , 98.6817526817 )
Clapham Collective ( 3.59246908099 , 98.6817526817 )

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