Ulasan ringan seputar kota Medan

Titanium Toastmasters Club Medan : Effective Communication Workshop

Created. Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:30:04
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Titanium Toastmasters Club Medan : Effective Communication WorkshopTitanium Toastmasters Club Medan : Effective Communication Workshop

A global talk not to be missed! Join us in the EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP presented by Titanium Toastmasters Club Medan!

As an organization in communication and leadership development, we are here to provide you the essence on how communication skills give impact to your success. Either you are trying to pass an interview, proposing ideas, or doing collaborative work, communication skills are the key to stand out and win

So, mark your date and register yourself! Be engaged in interactive workshop to improve your verbal communication, at the same time, to learn how the skills will open doors to many global opportunities. Join us to first-handedly learn from the experts!

Awardee of LPDP Scholarship, Master of Education, University College London, UK

Pediatric Oncologist (Pediatric University, Russia), Coordinator of Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Dunia 2015/16

Professional Event Host, Businesswoman, Lecturer


Contact Person:
Castiqlianie (0812 6025 829)
Dandy Wu (0822 7690 2396)
- Certificate & Coffee Break included -

Titanium Toastmasters Club Medan : Effective Communication Workshop (#1)Carousel #1 : Titanium Toastmasters Club Medan : Effective Communication Workshop

Titanium Toastmasters Club Medan : Effective Communication Workshop (#2)Carousel #2 : Titanium Toastmasters Club Medan : Effective Communication Workshop

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